The Do’s And Don’ts When Relocating To Italy

Italy is quite a beautiful and welcoming country to relocate to! I Love Moving has set up a list of tips to help get you feeling like a local in Italy in no time!

  • Do expect that you are going to be going on a lot of walks, so remember to wear comfortable shoes.
  • Don’t eat or drink at locations such as the cathedral steps, fountains and monuments. This is a new rule by the government and you can easily be fined for up to €240 if you break this rule. You can enjoy your food at home, in a café or during your walk.
  • Do dress appropriately when visiting one of Italy’s churches. It is frowned upon to show your shoulders and knees. At St. Peter’s cathedral in Rome you won’t be let in.

Read more: The Do’s And Don’ts When Relocating To Italy

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